May we feel the feelings that arise and allow them to move through our bodies and our lives.
May our lifestyle choices fuel and strengthen our relationships and connections.
May our stories and experiences enrich our days and deepen our presence.
May we bring our whole heart to our whole life.
The Village, a non-denominational, multi -faith, community that centers healing circles, studying sacred texts, gatherings, movement practices, intuitive wisdom, and living into the bigger questions of life and death.
The Village is…. at the intersection of spirituality, non linear growth, SPIRALS, regenerative practices in health, healing, wholeness and harmony.
This is what we are about: Intersection of justice, wholeness, holistic well-being, spirituality & embodied, integrated living.
WE TEND THE HEART through ritual, prayers, portals, seasons, cycles, archetypes, embodiment circles, ancestors. We honor land, people, wisdom, the elements, and one another.
By using the wisdom of the moon, the natural seasons and cycles of the land and the earth — we can learn how to find our place in our lives, our communities and in the world.
Whats the problem we are trying to solve?
So many people using external, mind centered, productivity hacks to “ live a better life” and yet.. they are restless, overwhelmed and underwhelmed by life.
People want to make changes, and try so hard. People read all the books, all the emails, all the podcasts and yet, are still seeking, never able to keep up, always behind, spinning your wheels.
We believe that the missing link is a deep connection to the natural elements.
We must see ourselves within the larger context, within the regenerative vortex, within our own place in the world.
We do this through diving into time, space, dreaming, singing, breathing, moving, listening, storytelling, feeling, writing, dancing,
Together through shared circles, conversations and support, we find ourselves rooted, whole, steady in the ebbs and flows, creative, alive, energetic, connected and loved.
Right on time.
We Prioritize:
- A Sacred Shabbat. No“work” time carved out weekly. We rest, play, slowly unhooking from the demands of the world for this sacred time. We unwind by creating rituals that feel so good. We mark the time each week of our lives reflecting back and looking forward. We land ourselves in blessings and prayers of awe and wonder.
- Follow Mama Moon. Notice when she appears small/ dark, allow yourself more rest/ quiet/ introspection time. Set intentions for the rising. When she is full and shining brightly and illuminating, remind yourself to Go for it. Make love- dance- play-let your hair down. Wild and messy emotions encouraged! Let yourself feel the aliveness of all the parts of you.
- Elements as Medicine. Pay attention to the elements as healing qualities for all aspects of life. Use water to help soothe you if you are over heated mentally, emotionally, physically. Use fire if you feel heavy or stuck and need to burn through something mentally, physically, spiritually. Use earth to ground you if you feel anxious, or jittery or afraid. Lay down on the earth and let her support you. Connect to the air element within each of us as a mystical spirit. Follow the breath, connect to source if you need some extra divine love. Or sit outside and listen /feel for the winds of change. Look up and smile at the mystery of it all.
We are a community open to explore all aspects of life and death. Through earth -based practices, intuitive wisdom, rhythmic ritual, sacred texts, community circles, mystical teachings and our own experiences with the sacred/ divine, we explore deep listening, healing, wholeness and regeneration for humanity as a lifestyle choice.
The village at the intersection of spirituality, non linear growth , SPIRALS, regenerative practices in health, healing, wholeness and harmony.
Closing grief circle for what we were- and moving into the Village for what we have been.
May we feel the feelings that arise and allow them to move through our bodies and our lives.
May our lifestyle choices fuel and strengthen our relationships and connections.
May our stories and experiences enrich our days and deepen our presence.
May we bring our whole heart to our whole life.
May we feel the feelings that arise.
May we honor our lifestyle practices & rituals.
May we bring our stories and experiences
May we bring our whole heart to our whole life.
What is the LOLA Community?
LOLA Community with ( rising) Kohenet Pleasance Silicki ( Shamirah)
The LOLA Community is a home for multi-faith, intergenerational, learning, community and conversations.
The LOLA Community was founded by ( rising) Kohenet, Pleasance Silcki, a wildly curious and creative Jewish woman who wanted to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to learn,study, support and circle together. In a world that is spiritually anorexic with very little communal space for authentic, deep, conversations on all aspects of life and death, the LOLA community was created s a guide of transformation. SHe tends to communities and and She helps / guides / mentors and facilitates connection to the seasons, cycles and spirals of life and death as a path to healing and wholeness. Through ritual, ceremony, circle — she helps us find our way to the portal of ancestors, guides, and supports in all realms to reclaim and celebrate all aspects of life and death as a transformative path of being human.