Judaism As A Spiritual Practice

Pleasance Shamirah
2 min readMay 18, 2022


This is my (not fully complete ) annotated bibliography on the most powerful, transformative books that I read and listened to while in Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Training.

During this training ( I’m still in it! until 2023), my relationship to Judaism deepened and evolved into my foundational spiritual practice.

Integrating, weaving and embodying these practices into daily life, rooted from my ancestral lineage has been potent medicine for my own healing and awakening.

May these words / texts/ teachings inspire, encourage and enlighten your life as well. Amen. Selah. Blessings on the journey…...

Just for Fun!

The Kabbalah Coloring Book

These are the Words A Vocabulary of Jewish Spiritual Life by Arthur Green


With Roots in Heaven by Rabbi Tirzah Fireststone

Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz


Torah Journeys by Rabbi Shefa Gold

Directing the Heart Rabbi Yael Levy

The Five Books of Miriam by Ellen Frankel, PHD

Life Stuff

A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven by Arthur Ocean Waskow & Phyllis Ocean Berman

Sparks of Light: Counseling in the Hasidic Tradition by Zalman Schachter

UnderTorah by Jill Hammer

Jewish Spiritual Wisdom & Prayer

The Hebrew Priestess by Jill Hammer and Taya Shere

She Who Dwells Within by Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

On the Road with Rabbi Steinsatlz by Arthur Kurzweil

Pray Tell: A Hadassah Guide to Jewish Prayer by Rabbi Jules Harlow

First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit by Rabbi Zalman Schachter- Shalomi

The Book of Blessings by Marcia Faulk

Calendar/ Rhythms/ Seasons/Lifestyle

Kabbalah Month by Month Melinda Ribner

Minding the Temple of the Soul/Entering the Temple of Dreams by Tamar Frankiel & Judy Greenfield

Magic/ Mystery/Mystical

Return to the Place Rabbi Jill Hammer

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth Magic and Mysticism by Dennis

Magic of the Ordinary by Gershon WInkler

Jewish Meditation

Mindful Jewish Living by Jonathan Slater

Jewish Meditation Practices for Everyday Life by Rabbi Jeff Roth


Everyday Holiness by Alana Moranis

Death/ Grief/ Afterlife

Wrestling with the Angel edited by Jack Riemer

Does the Soul Survive? Rabbi Kaplan Spitz



Pleasance Shamirah

Elemental Healing & Trauma Resolution, Life Design, Author, Speaker, Rising Kohenet, Creatrix, Weaver, Ancestral Healing. Grief/Death Support. Community Care