Inner Wise Self

Pleasance Shamirah
2 min readMar 28, 2022

When I was a little girl, I read all the books by SARK.

I learned from a young age to listen to my Inner Wise Self.

Somewhere between 15 and 25, I lost that knowing.

A few years ago, on Facebook, SARK and I became “ friends” and my life became complete.

Especially b/c she said she liked my name, which made me so happy and feel special:)

I was thrilled to be in SARK’s orbit again, this time in a very personal way.

And then I remembered, my inner wise self, it came up on something she posted and then talked about on a call we had. Inner Wise Self.

This voice, this knowing that had always been there.

I started naming her and honoring her and listening to her.

I found her early in the quiet mornings, during tough times and most days on the pages of my journal.


Last week I was on a mentoring call with a group of women and I asked, “Who here has made some recent decisions using intuition? Using an inner knowing?” It was quiet.

So in honor of us ALL cultivating a deep profound experience with our Inner Wise Self, I invite you to try these 3 things..

1. The next time you feel yourself stressing about a problem, a challenge, an issue in your life, PAUSE and plant your feet. Sit up tall. Take a few breaths. Drop your chin. Feel into your heart. Ask, “Inner Wise Self, what’s the right next step at this moment.” AND LISTEN.

2. Fall in love with her. Spend time contemplating OR journaling with her. Think of this like dating. How would you treat someone you were trying to get to know? You wanted to learn more about? Schedule a date where you take yourself out and just play! Wander! Relax! Go Have fun together, let HER guide YOU for once! * Feel free to let “thinking, productivity, reason” at home for this one :) Just keep asking her, what should we do next… and let her lead.

3. Contact a friend who has a strong sense of inner wise self, and spend time with them. Ask them questions about how they live, go deeper and stay close with someone who can model this for you. What have they noticed about living this way? Tell them you are shifting attention to your own inner guidance and could they help support you.

ENJOY the experience and as always, let me know what you think/ do/ feel….



Pleasance Shamirah

Elemental Healing & Trauma Resolution, Life Design, Author, Speaker, Rising Kohenet, Creatrix, Weaver, Ancestral Healing. Grief/Death Support. Community Care