Do you ever wake up and already feel behind?
Do you ever wake up in the morning and already feel behind in your day?
Yeah, I used to do that too.
Part of what I want to teach you this summer is how to actually be proactive and in an abundant mind state in ALL areas of your life.
The most common way I see scarcity mindset show up for women is actually in how they talk and relate to time and how they manage ( or lack thereof) energy.
Want to know the secret? How we manage our energy IS the key to unlocking this state of abundance at work, home, play and in life!
Here are some other things I wish someone had taught me:
emotions can be contagious.
emotions are energy in motion.
how to change habits of personality, it can be done!
basic brain science of stress.
how to rest and digest.
how to follow the moons and what each phase of my monthly cycle invites.
how to cultivate a dialouge with my intution and listen to her.
how to identify inner critic and inner mentor and how to work with them both, daily.
Reach out to learn more-