6 Steps to Move Towards What Your Heart Desires
I have a lot of amazing women in my life who want to dream about a career or relationship change or move through an area where they feel stuck. But they don’t even know where to begin!
This is how I help them start to feel into their own lives, intuition on WHAT the right next step will be for them and their lives.
Here’s a little guide that can help you with that.
1. Start looking for feelings of envy, jealousy or tingles/chills when people do things around you (friends, family, online). These are signals to your body, to wake up to something that you want in your own life. This might be an area that you want to create / attract into your own life! For example, you see online that a friend from High School just published a book and you get a ping of resentment — ohhh — ask yourself, “What’s going on here? Do I want to write a book?” OR you see a friend at the Grocery Store and she says, “I’m taking a new pottery class and it’s really fun!” and you walk away and think “That’s nice for her, I don’t have time for that. I wish I did.” AH! Another moment to go inward and ask yourself, “DO I want to make time for some art?”
2. WRITE IT DOWN. KEEP THIS IN YOUR JOURNAL AND KEEP PUTTING all your ideas in here! Date it, notice the moments when these feelings arise and occur, give yourself a few weeks or months to really just pay attention. Just because you get a ping of jealousy or envy DOES NOT mean you should take action right now. You have to assess a few things but the first step is NOTICING and then seeing what patterns arise.
3. Once you find a few things that feel truly good to you — Practice opening the neural network pathways and problem solving activators in your brain by doing a brainstorm of options and ideas that would be fun. For example, “I want to write a book” could really turn into a blog, an ebook, a journal, a letter to my kids. WRITING may be the actual thing we want to bring more of into our lives, not the HUGE project of a book, but just the daily writing process and creating might TRULY be what you want to make space for. LEARN HOW TO expand and open your ideas and possibilities. THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE SKILL AND MUSCLE TO STRENGTHEN and has helped me MANY times get out of binary thinking or feelings of being stuck. You can call this “WHAT IF AWESOME!” Take the current situation and instead of going down all the BAD things that could happen, turn the gears into what if something AWESOME happens! What if I was…. What if I could.. — ELEVATE the conversation and ideas! This is not a space for negative Nelly.
***I did a podcast episode about this. Creative Visual Mapping for Decisions, Dreams and Desires! (September 17 2018) https://anchor.fm/soulfulselfcare/episodes/Creative-Visual-Mapping-for-Decisions--Dreams-and-Desires-e26mmn This episode is packed with teachings and tidbits from many years of studying mindset, law of attraction and energy. I will teach you how to map out your desires and help you problem solve and make decisions for your life. Grab your journals and enjoy! This is also available as a video at vimeo.com/lilommyoga.
4. Now, TAKE ACTION — make a phone call, ask a friend, submit a resume, DO SOMETHING that brings you closer to what you are thinking about. THIS IS THE PART MOST PEOPLE STOP AT b/c YES! There can be growth/ discomfort/ Ego/Imposter Syndrome trying to stop you. GET COMFORTABLE MOVING THROUGH THOSE FEELINGS. USE an EMBODIMENT practice to help (walk in nature, yoga, breathing, shaking, dancing, jog, swim) The more you get used to this — taking ACTION — and trying things as experiments, the less stressed out this will make you. LET GO OF OUTCOMES AND FOLLOW THE FLOW AND FEELINGS OF THE PROCESS.
5. Keep checking in. Look around/ Feel into your life as you move into new interesting directions, what if it were easy? This is also how you can pause and listen to your heart/ gut about YOUR next steps. Develop and cultivate a deep and rich relationship with your inner guide by LISTENING TO HER. What are the RIGHT next steps for you now? Only you know — AND perhaps talk to a beloved trusted friend, advisor family member who knows you — WHY? So they can help you process/ think about if you are holding yourself back with the same old, same old mindset OR if what you are thinking / processing is truth — *Example, you have a very sick child/ parent that you are caring for and you decide NOT to apply for a new job but are beating yourself up about it. Let the conversation help you decide if now is REALLY the right time. Use soul friends to help you.
I just want to lovingly remind you that life is just this ever changing, ever unfolding, always magical experience that we are all going through in this moment in time together and that NOTHING is guaranteed. Not “some day” not “when I ___ then I’ll ____” it’s all happening live and present in this moment. It IS your job to respond to your own life and emotions and healing. It IS your job to find ways to create possibilities and problem solve and take care of your mental and physical health. NO ONE IS COMING TO DO IT FOR YOU. Also, AS we get older, our neural networks that fire and wire together get tighter and stronger. It’s up to us to keep REGENERATING our physical bodies, move our bodies and our lives in new ways, let go of stagnation and toxicity that infects this culture through jobs that suck the life out of us and friendships with gossip and no boundaries.
In this moment, step into the highest version of yourself and breathe into the possibilities that remain unknown. My personal mantra is “ If anyone can do this, YOU CAN.”